Pressing for Progress

International Women's Day 2018
Mar 9, 2018 1:00 PM ET

Pressing for Progress

Individually, we may be single drops of water; together, we’re an ocean.

International Women’s Day (IWD) is observed each year on March 8th to celebrate the economic, cultural, and political achievements of women and to bring attention to persistent inequality and the barriers to gender parity. The day, which has evolved into a global movement not affiliated with any particular organization or sector, emphasizes a call to action for accelerating change.

The values that have propelled and expanded IWD since it was first celebrated in 1911 include justice, dignity, hope, equality, collaboration, tenacity, appreciation, respect, empathy, and forgiveness. IWD’s message in 2018 is “Press for Progress.” The campaign focuses on the power of collective action to achieve equality.

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