Join Businesses to Boost Healthy Workforce, Healthy Communities
U.S. Chamber Foundation announces USA TODAY as official media partner for the Health Means Business National Summit.

The private sector holds tremendous influence to bolster a greater culture of health in America. That’s why the U.S. Chamber Foundation, with support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and local and regional chambers of commerce, has made creating a healthy workforce and healthy communities a top priority through the Health Means Business campaign.
We’re bringing together businesses of all sizes, and their cross-sector partners, to become a powerful force for societal change. What began as a dialogue became a call-to-action to engage businesses in the goal of building a healthier, more competitive U.S. workforce.
To continue this momentum, the Health Means Business National Summit will take place February 15-16 in Washington, D.C. What’s equally exciting – USA TODAY has joined our cause as the Summit’s official media partner!
According to USA TODAY, businesses should be more vested in the health of their workers and communities:
“Concerned about lost productivity for a personal or family health problem, commerce and health organizations are teaming up to encourage communities and companies - not just large employers offering wellness programs - to create a healthier workforce. Such lost productivity for taking a child to the doctor or working through a painful headache costs U.S. employers at least $226 billion a year, according to a study of the American Productivity Audit.” --- Businesses, Governments Boost Workforce Health, USA TODAY, September 7, 2016
During the Summit, featured speakers will include:
- Daniel Lubetzky, Founder and CEO, KIND
- The Honorable Vivek H. Murthy, M.D., U.S. Surgeon General
- Arianna Huffington, Founder and CEO, Thrive Global
- Risa Lavizzo-Moureym, MD, MBA, President and CEO, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
- Elyse Cohen, Director, Health and Wellness Program; Executive Director, Health Means Business Campaign
- Marc DeCourcey, Senior Vice President, Corporate Citizenship Center, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation
- Dr. Michael Sokol, Chief Medical Officer, WebMD Health Services
- Jayne O’Donnell, Reporter, Health Policy, USA TODAY; Co-Founder, Urban Health Media Project
- And many more!
Bringing together the most innovative businesses, we will focus on how the private sector can become more competitive and help shape a healthier and more prosperous future, through mission-driven goals, public-private partnerships, employee health, and other strategies -- both inside and outside the walls of their own businesses.
Don’t miss the inaugural Health Means Business National Summit and Healthy10 Awards Ceremony taking place on Feb. 15-16. 2017 in Washington, D.C. at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce (1615 H Street, N.W.). Media and participants should register here.