How Can Indonesia Secure Progress in SDG Reporting?
GRI agrees MoU with Ministry of National Development

October 16, 2019 /3BL Media/ - GRI has signed a collaboration agreement with the Indonesian Government that commits to support and provide the reporting frameworks for the country’s commitments to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) marks the commitment of Indonesia’s Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS) in promoting the contribution of the private sector in achieving the 2030 Agenda.
The MoU recognizes that multi-stakeholder partnerships are required to accelerate progress on the SDGs, and it includes commitments to:
- Promote SDG reporting by publicly listed companies by using the GRI Standards, and encouraging use of GRI’s freely available SDG reporting tools
- Public and private sector engagement to raise awareness of the contribution companies can make to the SDGs and highlight sustainable business practices
Asthildur Hjaltadottir, GRI’s chief regional implementation officer, said:
“We welcome that the Indonesian Government recognizes the challenge presented by the SDGs, as demonstrated by this memorandum of understanding between GRI and BAPPENAS. With sustainability reporting increasingly becoming the norm in Indonesia, I believe GRI can support an acceleration in private sector engagement, which has a crucial role in securing progress towards sustainable development.
I am pleased the Indonesian Government has identified the need for widespread collaboration, as part of their SDGs National Action Plan. GRI looks forward to continuing to support Indonesian companies and institutions to understand their sustainability impacts and report their contributions for the SDGs.”
Notes to editors
GRI has an active presence and locally based staff in Indonesia, through the Corporate Sustainability and Reporting for Competitive Business program, funded by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs.
Bahasa Indonesian is one of the ten language translations available for the GRI Standards.
GRI and the UN Global Compact have produced the Business Reporting on the SDGs Action Platform.
In September GRI launched a new Regional Hub in Singapore, to manage services and support for companies and other stakeholders in the ten countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), which includes Indonesia.