Empowered To Lead: How Pizza Hut’s LeadHERship Initiative Helped Tshegofatso Rakwena Thrive

Mar 26, 2025 10:35 AM ET
Tshegofatso Rakwena

Pizza Hut

We caught up with Tshegofatso Rakwena to hear her thoughts on the Pizza Hut LeadHERship initiative.

Tshegofatso learned about the initiative through the Youth Content Collective (YCC), which was brought to her attention by a mutual friend. Having gone through the LeadHERship program, the most valuable skill Tshegofatso has learned is to be able to take constructive criticism and put pride and joy into what she does. She notes that it didn't sit well having your faults pointed out, but she understands the way to grow and realises how it will help her later on as a professional in any field.

She now has a side hustle offering small businesses photography and video content services. Tshegofatso's photography expertise spans events, product shots, fashion, and portrait photography, with a passion for capturing unique moments and stories. She is delighted to be able to recruit a fellow LeadHERShip member. They have a collaborative relationship, continually learn from each other, and grow together. She believes it has been a joy to collaborate with someone who consistently brings fresh ideas.

The versatile approach of Tshegofatso's team's allows them to cater to various clients and projects. As CEO, Tshegofatso oversees the organisation's strategic direction and creative vision. Tshegofatso left the program understanding that there's no need to compare yourself to anyone, "Comparison is the thief of joy. Some people may have more opportunities or seem to have more luck, but that doesn't make you lesser than them—it just means it may not be your time yet.", said Tshegofatso.