Alexion Ranked #1 Biotech Company for Lowest ESG Risk by Sustainalytics

Since 2018, Alexion has regularly engaged with a variety of external organizations to validate and evaluate our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (i.e., ESG). Sustainalytics, an organization that is one of the most widely respected evaluators of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) performance, just released their latest assessment of Alexion, and named us their #1 ranked biotech company for lowest ESG risk. Alexion is rated against all biotech companies in the Sustainalytics “universe” – a total of 373 companies. Since the launch of our CSR function in late 2017, strategy in late 2018, and inaugural CSR Report in March of this year, Alexion has moved from the 37th percentile to the 1st percentile in the Sustainalytics ranking.
The ESG Risk Ratings from Sustainalytics measure a company’s exposure to industry-specific material ESG risks and how well a company is managing those risks. With this rating, Alexion has earned the “2020 ESG Industry Top Rated” badge, recognizing our position in the top 6.7% of the entire global pharmaceutical industry – an even larger cohort of 822 companies, of which Alexion placed 12th (i.e., in the 2nd percentile).
The Sustainalytics ranking is frequently leveraged by external stakeholders, especially within the investor community. Investors often use this type of data to help them identify, understand, and manage ESG risks at the security and portfolio level with the aim of improving long-term performance.
The recognition of Alexion’s commitment to CSR is a tribute to the ongoing work of all our employees on a daily basis. Given Alexion’s purpose-driven mission, much of our day-to-day operations contribute to our position as a leading corporate citizen.
“This recognition is a tribute to the ongoing work our teams do each day as part of our unwavering commitment to advancing best-in-class CSR and ESG practices. Thank you to our colleagues around the world who work to ensure we deliver the most value to patients, employees and all of our stakeholders and for the continued support from our community.”--Alex Schuman, Head of Corporate Social Responsibility, Alexion and President, Alexion Charitable Foundation
To learn more about Alexion’s commitment to corporate social responsibility, our areas of focus and the work we’ve accomplished to date, read our 2019 Corporate Social Responsibility Report.